
Reporting bugs

Perhaps the easiest way to contribute to qualpay-python is to report any bugs you run into on the github issue tracker.

Useful bug reports are ones that get bugs fixed. A useful bug report normally has two qualities:

  1. Reproducible. If your bug is not reproducible it will never get fixed. You should clearly mention the steps to reproduce the bug. Do not assume or skip any reproducing step. Described the issue, step-by-step, so that it is easy to reproduce and fix.
  2. Specific. Do not write a essay about the problem. Be Specific and to the point. Try to summarize the problem in minimum words yet in effective way. Do not combine multiple problems even they seem to be similar. Write different reports for each problem.

Writing code

Our workflow is based on Vincent Driessen’s successful git branching model:

  • The master branch is our current release
  • The develop branch is what all pull requests should be based against
  • Feature branches are where new features, both major and minor, should be developed.

git-flow is a git plugin that helps facilitate this branching strategy. It’s not required, but can help make things a bit easier to manage. There is also a good write up on using git-flow.

We also request that git commit messages follow the standard format.


Continuous integration provided by Travis CI.

Test requirements

See requirements.txt:


Running the tests

Once your requirements are installed, the unit tests can be run with:

$ py.test tests/ --cov qualpay --cov-report term-missing --pep8 qualpay


==================== 15 passed in 0.15 seconds ====================

For testing against different Python versions, we use Tox.

$ tox


_______________ summary _______________
py27: commands succeeded
py34: commands succeeded
congratulations :)

Submit a pull request

You’ve done your hacking and are ready to submit your patch. Great! Now it’s time to submit a pull request to our issue tracker on Github.


Pull requests are not considered complete until they include all of the following:

  • Code that conforms to PEP8.
  • Unit tests that pass locally and in our CI environment.
  • Documentation updates on an as needed basis.